Feb. 2006: Cuba (!!!) for an amazing week with some colleagues from the Women's Studies Research Center at Brandeis
August 2006 – Santa Fe, NM – My mom and I saw some great opera
Oct. 2006 -- Prestigious NEA Journalism Institute, hosted by Columbia University. My journalistic products are here and here, as well as the Clarke Society Newsletter.
Nov. 2006 – Hawaii (Oahu ) – hey, it was a conference, lots of hard work! Followed by Thanksgiving in California with my family.
August 2007 – Oxford UK with Laura Macy for the Scrabble tournament (just kidding, we played a lot of Scrabble, with her winning almost all of it.)
November 2007 – AMS (American Musicological Society) in Quebec City
Speaking of family – my sister is now a very successful Realtor with her own webpage
My niece has her driver's license and a job at a photography store. My nephew continues to play guitar and is learning to drive. Both are doing well at school.
Rosie and I celebrated our fourth anniversary. Links for Rosie's rabble rousing here and professional life here.
This summer, my mom exhibited several of her artworks (in watercolor and fiber media) at the Kniznick Gallery in the WSRC
Friends -- well, friends, you're the ones reading this, right?? I feel so fortunate to have such a fabulous, devoted and fun group of friends!!